Orbit Accountants Prohibited Businesses and Countries
Orbit Accountants reserves the right to decline services to any organization or individual whose activities are considered prohibited by Orbit Accountants, illegal, or may cause Orbit Accountants reputational, regulatory, financial, or operational harm. This includes restricting services to entities based on their location or nature of business.
The following categories of businesses and business practices are explicitly prohibited from using Orbit Accountants’ services:
- In any way that breachs any applicable local, national, or international law or regulation, or causes ORBIT to breach any applicable law or regulation.
- In any way is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect.
- Are used for the purpose of harming or attempting to harm others in any way.
- Are abusive, harmful, or does not comply with our content standards.
- Are used for any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional material, or any other form of spam.
- Deal in harmful programs such as viruses, spyware, or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.
- Would locally or internationally evade any applicable taxes or facilitate tax evasion.
We do not support businesses or transactions which are involved in any of the following categories, such businesses or transactions may be declined. While this list is representative, it is not exhaustive, and we reserve our right to deny our services to any customers who exceed our risk tolerance.
Regulated or illegal products and services
- Adult content: Pornography and other visual content depicting explicitly sexual Services of sexual nature (webcam shows, live chats, prostitution, escorts, etc). Sexually oriented establishments (massage parlors, strip clubs, gentleman’s clubs).
- Alcohol, tobacco, and firearm related products, including electronic cigarettes.
- Drug and drug related products including Cannabis, products containing Cannabidiol (CBD), or any other products or services related to legal marijuana trade.
- Controlled substances or other products that present a risk to consumer safety.
- Drug paraphernalia: Any equipment, product, or material which is intended for making, using, or concealing drugs.
- Pseudo-pharmaceuticals or similar pharmaceutical products not approved by the applicable regulatory body.
- Nuclear chemicals or related product sales, distribution, or related businesses.
- Counterfeit goods: Unauthorised sale of designer and/or brand products. Sale of illegally imported or exported goods.
- Products and services which are not legal or meet the regulatory requirements in the jurisdiction they are being offered in or in any country that ORBIT operates in.
Financial and other professional services
- Companies involved in the exchange or trading of cryptocurrencies, or any other virtual currencies, including payments for the purpose of purchasing cryptocurrencies.
- Services that facilitate anonymous payments/financial services.
- Binary options, factoring or using their Orbit account as an escrow or safeguarding account.
- Financial institutions including central banks, retail and commercial banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations, money services businesses.
- Shell banks.
- Any other financial services operating without a licence/registration where one is required.
Other restricted activities
- Any person or entity suspected to be a weapons, arms dealing or defense company.
- Any person or entity suspected to be involved in human trafficking.
- Any person or entity suspected to be involved in money laundering or terrorist financing.
- Any person or entity suspected to be using ORBIT to conduct illegal activities.
- Any person or entity that subject to international sanctions.
- Any person or entity that is involved with gambling, lotteries or fantasy sports.
- Any person or entity involved with multi-level marketing, pyramid schemes, unreasonably high rewards schemes, referral marketing.
- Any person or entity residing in jurisdictions listed in Orbit’s prohibited countries list.
- Any person or entity that, where identification was required and requested, have consistently refused to be identified, including those that have altered a transaction request to avoid customer identification requirements.
- Organizations that seem to be deliberately structured in a way that makes it difficult to determine the ownership or control.
- Trade of restricted and/or endangered animal species and products.
- Unregistered not-for-profit organizations.
- Shell companies or companies that do not appear to serve any legitimate economic purpose.
Prohibited Countries
Registered and Doing Business with:
Afghanistan | Belarus | Burundi | Central African Republic |
Mali | Myanmar | North Korea | Pakistan |
Cuba | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Eritrea | Guinea Bissau |
Haiti | Iran | Iraq | Libya |
Russia | Somalia | South Sudan | Sudan |
Syria | Yemen | Ukraine | Venezuela |
West Bank | Zimbabwe |